Monday, 5 October 2009

Milford Mike's misty Monday mackerel mystery

Plenty of green on the market this morning as the beamers come back from the deep water loaded with megs (megrim soles)......
the greater forkbeard, better known locally as plus-fours......
the CKS landed a mixed bag of net fish including these porbeagle and blue sharks.....
and, surprisingly, a dozen boxes of mackerel, much to the chagrin of the inshore punts for whom mackerel are something of a rarity of late.......
a good run of hake finished off the CKS's trip......
in the gloom the boys aboard the Sea-Spray enjoy a post landing cuppa in the comfort of the wheelhouse.......
in the week that saw the Conservative Party at their annual conference propose that the retirement age be extended one man has exceeded their target already!, the difficult to catch and oldest but fastest man on the market.......
in the frame, the Border Agency's patrol boat Searcher lays against the Stone Quay.....
one beam trawl, gift-wrapped and ready to go back aboard.


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