Monday, 21 April 2008

La Conchee faut dix ton de glace

Parked up at Wherry Town on the prom, another colourful fish trailor.....
this time, refrigerated transport from SAL in Grimsby....
Harbour Master Andrew chews the fat briefly with Grimmy Mike over the rising cost of fuel....La Conchee from Guilvenec, Brittany on her way into the ice berth.....
opposite which lays the Emma Louise looking more like a crabber every day....
La Conchee taking ice.....
under the watchful eye of Andrew wearing his other hat, that of French Consulatein the area ...

meanwhile, astern of the ice berth, Twinkle and Tristan put the mended gear back aboard the Two Boys
down the end of the new Quay, a sea of derricks from the biggest of the WS&S fleet
out in the bay there is an increase in the amount of summer trade, a small tug and dredging barge are accompanied by a regular visiting dive boat.


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