Thursday, 17 December 2009

Brussels' sprouts Christmas quota news.

The quota talks have ended in Brussels with yet more cuts - though not as severe in some areas as was feared. Predictably sole in Area VII has ufferred yet again despite the fishermen seeing more sole than ever on the grounds. pergaps CEFAS can step in here to help assess stovck levels to ensure a more equitable approach?

Brussels Fisheries talks ‘
a slap on the face with a wet fish’ says Stevenson, but this time its not Elizabeth doing the talking.

The BBC gave some quota figures for caching area around the coast and also commented on one of the innovative ways in which boats miught be incentivised - install CCTV to record what comes aboard and what goes back over the rail.The regional paper Western Morning News covered the story in more detail through Kate Ironside's blog posting, "Fishermen's Friend or Big Brother"


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